Wednesday 22 November 2017

CLA Revision & Timed Essay

Morning all,

You're going to be writing your timed essay tomorrow for the transcript we were looking at last week. The task is to analyse the language used by the children and their caregivers, and you've all been given 3 exemplar A grade essays to use as examples for how to approach a CLA question.

Today I'd like you all to spend time doing some revision as tomorrow when you are writing, I will allow you to have some flash cards with you as supporting materials, but nothing more.

So therefore today use the time to catch up on your revision for this topic. We've been studying it since September and will soon be leaving it behind so you should at least at this point have a good grasp of the things you need to cover in any CLA essay (it's a discursive task so the structure and content will always be largely the same whatever transcript you get). Please also take the time today to look up Halliday's Functions, which will be useful when writing about pragmatic development

Linked below is a great revision resource for CLA from Mindomo, which is a mindmap website. The mindmaps are interactive and can be downloaded and printed as PDFs, and you can create your own which will be really useful when it comes to revision. Bear in mind however that this task used to be much larger on the A Level language course than it is now (see your exemplar essays as evidence for this), so much of what is on this resource we have not covered and won't need to. Also, beware of misspelling Comsky as one of the mindmaps has (it's CHOMSKY, not CHOMPSKY!):

CLA Mindomo 1

CLA Mindomo 2

CLA Mindomo 3

You could spend all lesson looking at these, so make sure that this is something you are using at home to revise.

The second resource I'd like you to look at is eMagazine; the English department here at St Brendan's subscribes to eMagazine and it is a wealth of resources and has hundreds of useful articles on CLA (and language change when we get to it), and you should make sure you browse through whenever you get the chance. Login below:

username: Stbren
password: eMag16*

Nobody should be stuck for things to do today, so let's get on with revision. I have some flashcards to give out to everyone at the front; you'll be able to bring in 5 with you tomorrow (however I will be checking that they are not packed to the brim with writing! Just brief prompts please)

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