Tuesday 21 May 2019

Language & Occupation - Rounding off

Morning all,

This will be our last task on lang & occupation in order for us to round it off. Please spend some time over half term reading over all your notes on this topic to make sure you have a solid foundation of understanding of the theories and concepts.

Work your way through the tasks below - if you get a question on lang & occupation in an exam, this will make a good individual case study for you to refer to:

Task 1

Choose a profession. You are going to investigate language used in this profession. (Keep it college appropriate!) find 5-10 acronyms that are used in this occupation and their meaning.

Task 2

Many professions use occupational register and/or codes. Find out what these terms refer to in the U.S. Navy, and consider the reason for the development of these acronyms - why are they used? For what purpose? (Link to theory where relevant and possible)
Find some of your own examples too for the profession that you chose in Task 1:
  • chow hall
  • deck
  • jarhead
  • banjo
  • rollers
  • baboon ass
  • salty
  • maggot

Task 3

Occupational register is important. Here is an example of a letter written in an inappropriate register. Decide what the profession is, and then re-write it in an appropriate register.

Hey there Jimmy and Betty, 
You’ll never guess what your son’s gone and done now!! I mean he’s only gone and drawn a life sized picture of Smithy on the wall of toilets and I have to say, it’s harsh af.
Well, I had a bit of a chinwag with the governors and they agree with me that we should get rid of your toe rag of a son straight away because tbh we’re all a bit fed up with him. I just don’t know how you cope with him smh.

Task 4

Apply all you have learned about language & occupation to this transcript between a doctor and their patient. Complete a brief analysis of this transcript, discussing relevant linguistic features and ant relevant links to theories. To help you start off consider the following:

  • use of interrogatives
  • personal address
  • avoiding embarrassing terms/euphemism
  • informal filler/reassuring
  • unusual preposition use
  • verbal fillers
  • Jargon - convergence

Monday 13 May 2019

Lang & Occupation Continued

Afternoon everyone,

We're continuing with computer lessons on Lang & occupation today and on Wednesday. Today we will focus on the discursive essay and on Wednesday we will focus on the opinion article.

First of all, if you haven't completed the tasks from last week, please do them now. For the two wider reading articles, please make notes on how the theories from the mindmap can be applied to the articles, in the same way you would do for gender and accent/dialect.

When you have done this, use this grid to organise your understanding for lang & occupation. One side contains key terminology and the other side key theorists (we will do the work on Grice's Maxims on Thursday, so you can leave this blank if you're not sure.) Please use whatever websites you need to help you - complete as much of it as possible. Let me know if you'd rather have a hard copy of the grid.

Next, use all of your notes, articles and understanding to plan a response to this discursive essay question:

"There is no place for jargon or other occupational language in the workplace." - Evaluate this view of occupational language.

Any issues, let me know

Tuesday 7 May 2019

Lang & Occupation Revision

Morning all, I hope your progression exam went well.

I'm absent today as I'm not well and I've lost my voice, so please complete the tasks set below for revision of the topic language & occupation:

1. Access this powerpoint and work your way through the tasks. The mindmap that is referred to can be found by clicking here. Make notes from or print out the mindmap.

2. Read this article about modern office jargon as a wider reading resource, and make some notes.

3. Do some research to find 2 more examples of articles relating to occupational lexis/workplace jagon and make some notes. Print these out to bring to tomorrow's lesson, in which we will be planning a discursive essay on language and occupation.

Hope you get on well with the tasks, remember you'll need these resources for tomorrow.
