Wednesday 26 April 2017

Meanings and Representations

Morning all,

More re-visiting of the meanings and representations tasks today. you should have all completed paragraphs that you were set on Monday. Today you will be doing more of the same to ensure that your close linguistic analysis is up to scratch.

First of all, click here and here to read the advice that Dan Clayton has on his blog about this task, and make some notes.

Then, try to have a go at this task. This is exactly the same task as the School Proms task we completed a few months ago. There are two different texts which are connected by a central theme. On your blogs, make a list of the linguistic techniques you can see in Text A and Text B (as an extension you can start turning these into PEE paragraphs). We will be continuing with this tomorrow and the start of our lesson will be a feedback session on the techniques that you have found in both texts, and we will be working on developing a comparison between them.

Plenty to do. Any questions, let me know.

Wednesday 5 April 2017

Wider Reading - Gender & Sociolect

Morning all,

Due to trips/absences etc I think we're going to be quite depleted in numbers today. So instead of starting a task which will span today and tomorrow as we usually do, today I want to devote this lesson to research and wider reading.

As we know, wider reading is essential when you want to demonstrate your knowledge and understanding in this subject. However, unlike a subject more established and traditional, such as as English literature, English language theories are constantly evolving and changing with new studies surfacing almost every week, so it can be really difficult to know where to start when you're trying to read around the subject.

Today I've got some great resources for you for Sociolect and Gender from Dan Clayton's blog - again make sure you check this regularly when revising as it's great for revision.

For Sociolect, check out these posts:

Regional variation & accents

Class & social groups and here

And for Gender, click here (look at the Daily Mail 'Legs-it' post especially!)

Choose a good variation of these posts and follow the links in the posts to access the wider reading materials. Read them and summarise them on your blog so you can access them for revision at a later date.