Wednesday 13 February 2019

Opinion Articles - 'Teenspeak'

Morning all,

Please find below the PPTs from the last few lessons:

Lesson 1 on Age
Lesson 2&3 on Age

Today you need to write your opinion articles, which need to be handed in tomorrow for me to mark over half term. You have an example that I gave out on Monday to help you - please let me know if you need another copy. Here is another example:

Example opinion article

A few pointers on what to include for this topic:

- The Vera Regan TED Talk on the 'like' discourse marker' (click here)
- The Jon McWhorter TED Talk re. texting (click here)
- Any theory discussed in the above PPTs
- Most importantly: your own opinion!

Use the models to help you, and remember to include wider reading as well as the expected theory. Spend some time today looking through the articles we started looking at on Monday.

Let me know if you need some help.

Wednesday 6 February 2019

Coursework and Accent & Dialect Essay

Morning all,

Lots to be getting on with today. Firstly can those of you who have not sent me your essay re-write ensure you do this before the end of the lesson.

Additionally I would like to take in an early draft of your coursework and commentary today. Please ensure your original writing is approx. 750 words and your commentary is around 400-500 words.

Any questions let me know.