Monday 14 December 2015

AS Computer Room Lesson - Accents and Dialect Article

Afternoon everyone, we're almost at the end of term!

Today we are going to be continuing with our study of accent and dialect, and we are going to make a start on the work I would like you to complete over the break.

I would like you to write an article which focuses on any aspect of accent and dialect you like. This could be anything, from stereotypes/prejudices arising from one's accent or a study into your own accent and the way you speak. Be creative with your subject and make sure it is something that interests you. Spend this lesson researching your chosen topic and looking for things to include in your article.

Use the prompt sheet I have given you to give you some guidance. There are a few more points below that I would like you to consider:

  • Bibliography - when you hand in your article, please include a bibliography. This will show me that you have done a good deal of reading into your chosen topic.
  • The title of your article should 'hook' the audience - this is essential, otherwise nobody will read it. It should suit your audience (you need to state your audience, i.e. Guardian/Daily Mail/Cosmo readers)
  • A reason for writing, i.e. a survey/something in the news/ a response to another article etc.
  • A strapline for the article (this goes under the title)
  • Image and caption
  • Quotes and examples
  • Avoid jargon that people who don't study language will not understand, i.e. dialect/sociolect.

That's a lot to consider, but try to get as much research and prep done today as you can, then after this lesson you can just focus on writing a really good, well-informed article!

Any questions, come ask me
