Tuesday, 29 November 2016

The 3 Models - Language & Gender

Morning all,

Today you need to read through the 3 PowerPoints in this post which outline the 3 'D' theory models that we focus on in language and gender:

Deficit - Robin Lakoff
Dominance - Zimmerman and West
Difference - Deborah Tannen

Ensure that you understand the theories as much as possible, to the point that you can recall the main information off by heart when asked, i.e. who developed the theory and what it outlines. If you need more info, look up the theories online (Wikipedia is helpful). Summarise each model on your blog in your own words and whether or not you would agree with the theories with an explanation as to why. There are some questions on each PowerPoint, so think about them and note down a few responses in your summaries.

Additionally, try to identify what problems there are with the theories. For example, the Dominance model is a very outdated study and only focused on a very small number of participants, so can the findings really be reliable?

As an extension task, look up Deborah Cameron's research into language and summarise her opinions on the idea that men and women speak differently.

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