Tuesday 4 December 2018

Regional Variations: Changing London Dialects

Hi all,

Firstly if you were absent on Monday, please ensure you have a copy of the booklet. Work through the booklet, ensuring you are confident in the following:

1. Accent variations and the 'foot/strut split'
2. Syllables, monopthongs and diphthongs
3. The International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) and its symbols and corresponding sounds (writing your name using the symbols is a good task for this)
4. William Labov's Martha's Vineyard theory

Task 1:
Write up the summary of the article on Cockney rhyming slang on your blogs.

Task 2: Multicultural London English/ Multicultural Urban British English
The fall in usage of Cockney rhyming slang has left a space for 'newer' dialects to flourish, some of which are also strongly associated with the ways that speakers want to project a sense of identity.. One of the key factors to these emerging variations of English is migration, with many of the new dialects associated with particular cultural groups, such as those with a Caribbean or Asian background. Often, aspects of a native tongue are mixed with Standard English to create new dialects. Bradford Asian English and Multicultural London English are just 2 examples.

Read this article by Bristol author Nikesh Shukla about his experience of MLE whilst living in London, and then answer these questions:
1. What does Nikesh Shukla believe has happened to Cockney rhyming slang?
2. What does he believe has replaced rhyming slang?
3. What reasons does he give for this?
4. What are the origins of MLE?

Task 3 - Paul Kerswill
Read this article on rhyming slang and MLE. Paul Kerswill is a linguist you need to know, so summarise his ideas (there may be some overlap with the Shukla article, but don't worry about this as it's good to get differing perspectives):

1. What are the main linguistic elements of MLE? Give some exaples
2. What has it developed from?
3. Why do people use it?
4. How can you relate this to William Labov? Write a short paragraph explaining how Labov's findings on Martha's Vineyard in 1961 apply here.

It's really important that you get all of this work finished, so if you don't get it all done in class then it needs to be done for homework ASAP.

Any issues, let me know!

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