Tuesday, 6 December 2016

Creative Writing Language and Gender

Hi all,

Your task over the next 2 lessons is to write an article in which you discuss language and gender. Your article should include the 3 D gender theories we have studied and also draw on the information you learned when watching the documentary on Monday (link to video in post below).

The key points of this task are as follows:

  • You need to write for a non-specialist audience, meaning you will have to present the gender theories in a way that anyone could understand, even if they are not studying language
  • You need to write in the exact style of your chosen publication, so it will seem as if the article you have written could conceivably appear in that publication. 

Your tasks for today are:
  • Decide upon the publication you want to write for. This could be The Guardian, The Daily Mail, Vice, The Lad Bible, Buzzfeed, Elle, Glamour, Cosmo etc. 
  • These will all have very different GRAMPS. When you have chosen, find 1 or 2 articles to use as a style model and look at the kind of language choices they make
  • Start planning how you will mimic this style in your own article, and then plan how you will incorporate the 3 gender theories and the information you learned from the article we watched on Monday.
You will have today and tomorrow's lesson to finish the article.

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