Tuesday, 4 October 2016

Language & Technology - Introduction

Morning all,

Today we are going to be picking up from where we left off on Monday with our introduction to language & technology.

You have a few tasks to do today, so these should keep you busy fore the entirety of the lesson. If you finish early, click the links below to have a go at some online grammar games!

First of all, here is the PowerPoint we went through on Monday:


And here is the language & technology terminology sheet:

Terminology sheet

Then, re-watch the 2 TED talks we watched in class on Monday:

Erin McKean

Jon McWhorter

And write 2 paragraphs in which you summarise the content.

Secondly, finish off the analytical task on Monday directed at your own text messages. Turn each box into a paragraph of PEE analysis (click this link for the sheet), using the techniques you have picked up over the last 2 weeks and ensuring you are using terminology. Use the sheets you were given on Monday for guidance.

As usual, any problems let me know!

Extension: Grammar Games!

Click the link to play some grammatical revision games.

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