Wednesday 16 September 2015

Wednesday 16th September - AS Research Task

Morning everyone,

Today your task is to consolidate the knowledge and analysis skills you have built up over the last few lessons and complete a short research task on the language of blogs and travel writing.

The first thing you need to do is find an example of a blog and of a piece of travel writing. There are lots of examples of travel writing on the Guardian (link here), and there are also blogs written by celebrities such as Frankie Boyle on the Guardian too, try to avoid Charlie Brooker as we have already used his blog as an example. Many celebrities will have personal blogs, and there will be examples of blogs by YouTube stars online too; there are plenty of options but you may have to do a bit of digging to find some.

Next, do some technique and feature spotting in your 2 examples. Blogs and travel writing are similar, so what kind of language techniques are used? Do they share techniques? If they do share techniques, do they have a different effect on the reader?

Once you have done your research, write up your findings and post to your blog, comparing and contrasting the 2 genres.

If you have any questions, come and see me.

Hope you enjoy the task!


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